First Term Examination
Class: JSS 1.
Subject: Computer Studies
Section A: Objective Test
Instruction: Answer all the questions in this section. Choose from the alternatives lettered a- d.
1. Which of the following characteristics of a computer makes it distinct from other electronic devices? (a) Accuracy (b) Automation (c) Speed (d) Storage
2. The computer is regarded as a system because it is a combination of ______________ (a) Hardcopy, Softcopy and Mouse (b) Input, Processor and Output (c) Monitor, CPU and Keyboard (d) Programmer, Engineer and Operator
3. Which of the following is an output device? (a) Keyboard (b) Monitor (c) Mouse (d) Scanner
4. Which of the following components of a computer carries out the program instructions? (a) Visual Display Unit (b) Uninterrupted Power Supply (c) Control Unit (d) Arithmetic Logic Unit
5. Which of the following is not found in a computer? (a) Ceramics (b) Chip (c) Integrated Circuit (d) Microprocessor
6. Which of the following is the full meaning of “RAM”? (a) Read Access Memory (b) Random Access Memory (c) Random Access Monitor (d) Random Access Manager
7. Which of the following is the full meaning of A. L. U? (a) Arithmetic Logic Unit (b) Arithmetic Logical Unit (c) Arithmetical Logic Unit (d) Automated Logic Unit
8. Which of the following is the full meaning of “CU”? (a) Central Unit (b) Circuit Unit (c) Computer Unit (d) Control Unit
9. Which of the following is the common name for both input devices and output devices? (a) Computer devices (b) Control devices (c) Peripherals (d) Software
10. Which of the following is referred to as the “brain” of the computer? (a) Central Processing Unit (b) Input Process Output (c) Uninterrupted Power Supply (d) Visual Display Unit
11. In which information age were hoes and cutlasses the predominant tools in use? (a) Industrial age (b) Iron age (c) Middle age (d) Stone age
12. Which of the following is not a software? (a) Assembler (b) Joystick (c) Interpreter (d) Photoshop
13. What is another name for a monitor? (a) Arithmetic Logic Unit (b) Central Processing Unit (c) Uninterrupted Power Supply (d) Visual Display Unit
14. The Central Processing Unit consists of ___________ (a) control unit and arithmetic unit (b) hardware and software (c) input devices and output devices (d) printers and monitors
15. “Computers are capable of carrying out repetitive tasks once they are programmed to do so”. Which characteristics of computers is illustrated by the above quotation? (a) Storage ) b) Speed (c) Automation (d) Accuracy
16. Which of the following is not a feature of the computer? (a) It is an electronic device (b) It is very consistent (c) It is very fast (d) It can take decision
17. The full meaning of “ROM” is ______________ (a) Random Only Memory (b) Read Only Monitor (c) Read Only Memory (d) Random Organized Manager
18. Which of the following is an input device? (a) Plotter (b) Printer (c) Scanner (d) Speaker
19. What is the full meaning of “GIGO”? (a) Global Information, Global Organization (b) Good Input, Good Output (c) Garbage In, Garbage Out (d) Garbage Input, Garbage Output
20. In which of the following components of a computer is where comparison of data is done? (a) UPS (b) CPU (c) CU (d) ALU
21. Which of the following characteristics of a computer enables it to be used in various fields of human endeavor? (a) Accuracy (b) Automation (c) Diligence (d) Versatility
22. The steam engine was invented by ________ (a) Joule (b) Newton (c) Ohm (d) Watt
23. In which stone age stage were stone artifacts used to form spears? (a) Neolithic stage (b) Mesolithic stage (c) Monolithic stage (d) Paleolithic stage
24. The industrial age is also referred to as _____________ (a) computer age (b) jet age (c) machine age (d) middle age
25. Which of the following is not an innovation of the electronic age? (a) Abacus (b) Internet (c) Personal Computer (d) Satellite Radio
26. In which century was the electronic age predominant? (a) 17th Century (b) 18th Century (c) 19th Century (d) 20th Century
27. In which year was the internet developed? (a) 1959 (b) 1969 (c) 1989 (d) 1999
28. Cellular phones and Bluetooth technology are tools used in _________ (a) Electronic age (b) Industrial age (c) Middle age (d) Stone age
29. The earliest means of writing that resembles pen and paper were developed by the (a) Egyptians (b) Greeks (c) Hebrews (d) Romans
30. The first paper mill was built in ____________ (a) Africa (b) Asia (c) Europe (d) North America
31. The term PC means ____________________. (a) Personal Calculator (b) Personal Computer (c) Past Engine (d) Private Company
32. Information passed from one person to another by word of mouth is called __________ (a) Oral (b) Print (c) Data (d) Grouping
33. Who is considered as the father of computer? (a) Bill Gate (b) Charles Babbage (c) Isaac Newton (d) Napier Bone
34. The following are innovation during the electronic age except _________. (a) Projector (b) G. S. M (c) Sewing machine (d) Computer
35. Fingers and toes are examples of _______ counting devices. (a) Electronic (b) Mechanical (c) Early (d) None of the above
36. The most common means by which data are input into the computer is through the _______. (a) Mouse (b) Keyboard (c) Microphone (d) System unit
37. An account of an event given by a person other than the eyewitness is called ___________. (a) Primary source (b) Secondary source (c) Tertiary source (d) Higher source
38. The writing materials used before the industrial age was _________. (a) Computer (b) Feather and ink (c) Pen and ink (d) Laptop
39. Which one of the following describes information? (a) Facts and figures (b) Processed facts (c) Unprocessed facts (d) Raw facts
40. Which of the following is electro- mechanical counting devices? (a) Abacus (b) Napier bone (c) Joseph Jacquard Loom (d) John Von Neumann Machine
Section B: Theory
1a. Define the computer as an IPO system.
1b. List four characteristics of a computer other than storage
2a. Write briefly on storage
2b. Create a two column table to classify the following into hardwares and softwares:
[joystick, flash drive, device driver, monitor, ArchiCAD, compiler, scanner, linux]
3. Write the full meaning of each of the following acronyms:
(i) www = ______________________________
(ii) internet = ___________________________
(iii) HDD = ______________________________
(iv) ICT = _______________________________
3b. Create a two column table to classify the following into input devices and output devices: ( keyboard, printer, plotter, joystick, magnetic tape, light pen, mouse, speaker, scanner, monitor)
4a. Define the Information age
4b. List the major innovations of the industrial age.
5a. List four Early Counting devices
5b. Mention three examples of Mechanical Counting Devices
6a. Define Information
6b. State three uses of IT in our daily activities