Second Term Lesson Note for Week Two
Class : Primary Six
Subject : Social Studies
Topic : Resources Utilization
Duration : 40 MINUTES
Period :
Reference Book :
- Lagos State Unified schemes of work for Upper Primary, (Primary 4 – 6).
- Social Studies for Primary Schools, Book 6.
- Online Resources
Instructional Material : Chart showing examples of natural resources and their importance.
Learning Objectives : By the end of the learners will be able to :
i. Explain the meaning of Resources and Natural Resources and Resources Utilization;
ii. State the Importance of natural resources
iii. Identify Over utilization of natural resources and mention Dangers of over utilization of natural resources
iv. Problems of underutilization of natural resources
PREVIOUS LESSON: the students are familiar with resources development.
NATURAL RESOURCES are raw materials supplied by nature. That is they are not man made.
UTILIZATION is the act of using something very well.
RESOURCES UTILIZATION is the way we make use of our natural resources. It could be in excess or below the required standard. These are :
OVER – UTILIZATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES means overusing natural resources. That is the use of natural resources at a faster rate than necessary.
UNDER –UTILIZATION OF RESOURCES is when resources are not being used to the fullest or not fully utilized.
1. It make products that are produced cheaper.
2. It bring in foreign exchange when exported.
3. It create jobs for people, that is employment opportunities.
4. It develop the country
5. It provides goods and services
The dangers of over utilization of natural resources includes:
i. It lead to low foreign exchange
ii. It results in shortage of timber.
iii. It breaks down infrastructural facilities.
iv. It will lead to suffering for the next generation
v. Water may dry up and people will suffer.
vi. Mineral deposit may fry up
vii. It may lead to poor harvest on land
Underutilization of natural resources could leads to the following problems:
1. It can lead to unemployment.
2. It can lead to poor infrastructures
3. It can lead to underdevelopment
4. It can lead to Frustration
5. It can lead to under – employment
Presentation Steps :
Step 1 : The Teacher revises the previous lesson with the learners by asking them questions on “RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT”.
Step 2 : The Teacher introduces the topic by explaining the meaning of Resources, Natural resources and Resource Utilization.
Step 3 : The Teacher explains the types of resources Utilization and mentions importance of
Step 4 : Describe Over-utilization and under-Utilization of resources and their effects.
1. What are natural resources?
2. Mention three Importance of natural resources
3. What is over utilization of natural resources?
4. List three Dangers of overutilization of natural resources
5. What is underutilization of natural resources?
6. Mention three Problems of underutilization of natural resources
CONCLUSION: The teacher summarizes the lesson and make necessary corrections