First Term Lesson Note for Week 4
Class : Primary 3
Subject: Social Studies
Topic: Functions / Roles of family members
Duration: 40 minutes
Period : Single Period
Reference Book :
Social Studies for Primary Schools Book 3.
Lagos State Unified Schemes of Work for Primary (Primary 1 – 3)
Online Resources
Instructional Material : Chart showing
Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to :
i. Explain the meaning of roles or functions of family.
ii. Describe roles of each members in a family (nuclear and extended family)
iii. Identify roles played by extended family members ( aunt, uncle, grandparent)
Roles of family members
For a nuclear family which consist of father, mother and children. Everyone has some roles they play in the family. These are
1. Father: is the breadwinner of the family. He provides the needs of family such as shelter, clothes and food. He protects his family and also pays school fees.
2. Mother : cooks for the family. She takes care of the children and cleans the house. She teaches the children to do some domestic work at home like washing plates, sweeping, etc. She also assist in training the children.
3. Children: helps their parents in doing household chores. They run errands for their parents. The older ones takes care of the younger ones by bathing for them, caring for other children when their parents are not around.
Roles of Other members of the family :
1. Grandparents: helps in taking care of the children when their parents are at work. They advice their grandchildren by telling them stories to teach them moral lessons
2. Aunt: helps to take care of the entire family. She takes care of the children. She teaches morals to her nephews and nieces. She also give money to help members of the extended family.
3. Uncle: helps to take care of the entire family. She takes care of the children. She teaches morals to her nephews and nieces. She also give money to help members of the extended family.
Importance of living together as a family.
1. To spend time together.
2. To share important activities like birthday, anniversary, etc.
3. They take care of each other.
4. To assist each other out when someone is in need.
Presentation Step: The teacher presents the lesson using the steps stated below:
Step 1: He/ she revises the previous topic with the learners in form of questions and calls them in turn to answer.
Step 2: He / she introduces the new lesson by asking the questions, “what are the roles played by the nuclear family?”
Step 3: He/ she calls the learners to describe the roles played by:
i. Father in the family .
ii. Mother in the family.
Step 4 : The teacher then mentions the roles or functions of extended family members such as grandparents, aunts and uncles.
Step 5: He/ she entertains questions and then write Note on the board for the learners to copy in their notebooks.
1. _________ is the breadwinner of the family. (a) Father (b) mother (c) uncle
2. The _________________ run errands for the family. (a) father (b) children (c) mother
3. The __________ cooks for the family. (a) Father (b) Mother (c) children
4. Who trains the children in doing domestic household work? (a) Father (b) children (c) mother
5. One of the usefulness of grandmother is _______________________________________.
Conclusion: At the end of the lesson learners were able to answer the questions correctly.
1. Mention two roles of a father in a family
i. ________________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
2. State two functions carried out by the mother.
i. ________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________
3. Mention two people in the extended family that assist in training the children.
i. _________________________
ii. ________________________