Third Term Lesson Note for Week Two
Class : Kindergarten
Age : 5 years
Subject : Basic Science
Topic : Sources of Clean Water
Duration : 80 Minutes
Period : Double Period
Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson learners will be able to
i. Define water
ii. Mention the various sources of water
iii. Identify the sources of Clean water
Instructional Material : Chart showing the sources of water.
Reference Book :
Stan Basic Science Book 1.
Lagos State Unified schemes of work for
Online Resources
Content :
Water is a colourless, odourless, tasteless liquid.
The various sources of water are :
1. Tap
2. Rain
3. Well
4. River
5. Spring
6. Bore hole
Presentation Steps :
Step 1 : The teacher revises the previous lesson learnt with the learners.
Step 2 : He/she introduces the new topic to the learners by asking them, ” what is water?”
Step 3 : The teacher calls on the learners to identify and mention the sources of water with the aid of the chart.
Step 4 : The teacher then describes the sources of water mentioned by the learners and identify the clean sources of water.
Evaluation :
1. What is water?
2. Mention three sources of water
3. Which is the cleanest source of water.
4. Water is a _______________, _____________ and ______________ liquid.
Conclusion :
The Teacher summarizes the lesson for a better understanding and moves round to mark their notes.